Profile PictureAchilleas Buisman

Hi, I am Achilleas. I am from the Netherlands, but as my name suggests, I am also part Greek. I am the father of three and an engineer in heart and soul. I’ve always loved sharing knowledge, be it with my blog, podcast, lightning talks at work or training interns. Most recently, though, I’ve answered the unignorable call to write a book on all I know about building RAG pipelines in Rails. You can find it here on Gumroad. A signature of my work is my adherence to simplicity. I will not rest until I’ve created elegant solutions that can be understood with as little cognitive load as possible. Professionally, I am the VP of Engineering at Goboony, the third-biggest peer-to-peer campervan rental platform in the world. We’ve already leveraged AI to do things that were previously unimaginable. The change to the world that AI caused is real; don’t mind the haters! As developers, we constantly have access to AI right where we work, in our editors, in the form of Copilot, Cursor, and others. Others don’t have this luxury, and out of a desire to fix this, I created Elmtrail, the greatest Team AI platform there is. Along with my co-founders, we will roll out a company-changing system that will fundamentally change your perceptions of productivity. Returning to my desire to share knowledge, I couldn’t keep the things I’ve learned about applying AI effectively with Rails to myself. Especially now that I started recognising how oversold many systems are. All sorts of startups will have you believe that they’ve created the most high-tech solutions using AI and charge astronomical prices for them. Yet, if you learn the basic building blocks, most systems are not only easy to create yourself, but they can be far more effective because they are closer to the source. So, we’ve come full circle on why I need to share this knowledge. I hope you enjoy it and are ready to learn. blog: podcast: startup:


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